How is Plastic Recycling Beneficial?
The process of recycling is basically aimed at environmental conservation. Plastic being a major contributor of global waste,can cause serious environmental concerns. This is due to the non-degradable nature of plastic that keeps it intact for a very long period.
The first and foremost benefit of recycling plastic is conservation of petroleum. Large amount of petroleum is needed for making new plastic products, and around 40% of the petroleum consumption can be reduced by recycling old and discarded plastic.
The benefits of recycling plastic include a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. In other words, greenhouse gases are emitted while burning petroleum, and if the amount of petroleum used in making plastic is reduced through recycling, the emission of these gases will also reduce.
Recycling one ton of plastic spares a landfill space of around 7.4cubic yards.
One of the important environmental benefits of recycling plastic bags and bottles is that, it saves animals, birds, and a wide range of aquatic creatures from death due to ingestion of plastic. The chemicals in plastic can also pollute the soil as well as water.Commitment to environmental polybag Quality, your one stop packing solutions!